Step Outside and Enjoy Nature

Maggie Klyce with Dog took our advice to step outside and enjoy nature

We are living in a fast-paced world where are brains are busier than ever. Unlike prior generations, we are exposed to more stimulation and the constant need to multitask all the roles and responsibilities laid at our feet. Whether you are a student, working professional, a stay at home parent or caring for a loved one, stress and the workload can be overwhelming. Research has found that multitasking can increase the production of the stress hormone cortisol and increase adrenaline, causing the brain to overstimulate and scramble thinking.

How do we combat our stress and lower our anxiety, and possibly keep us from a downward spiral into depression?

A walk in the park, a hike in the woods, or a picnic by the lake can improve our mental health and leave us feeling restored. Studies have shown that nature can positively affect your energy, reduce depression and boost well-being. Being in nature or even viewing nature has been proven to reduce anger, fear, and unpleasant feelings. One study conducted showed 95% of people interviewed changed from depressed, stressed, and anxious to calm and balance after being outside.

Maggie Klyce, Primary Therapist at Magnolia Creek, uses the outdoors to improve her mental health. Maggie shared “I really enjoying being outside whether it is hiking, being on the beach, or simply sitting in a rocking chair outside. I find the outdoors to be very rejuvenating and it helps me tap into a sense of inner calm.”

According to the Harvard school of Public Health, our disconnection from nature is increasing. American adults spend less time outdoors than they do inside their vehicles, which is less than 5 percent of their day. Past generations have stood behind the benefits of nature, American writers, Ralph Waldo Emerson and John Muir both built a case for creating national parks claiming nature was a source of healing. 

Everyone needs a coping strategy that allows us to calm our minds and let our bodies vent. Being outside and experiencing nature is proven to reduce stress, calm our nerves, and relieve our mental fatigue. Slow down and do your over stressed brain a favor, take a step outside and let nature be your healing source. 


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