Reframing Your Approach to New Year’s Resolutions

A New Approach to the New Year

It’s January, that time of year when everyone sets out to become a better version of themselves. Most often, we find that people begin long-winded resolutions with rigid guidelines for achievement, while media outlets strategize on how to push them along during their progress. Typically, resolutions come from a place of criticism and correction, with the idea that something in is “lacking” in their life. However, what if this year, you reframed your resolution to incorporate more of a lifestyle change vs. short-term corrective actions? 

Embarking on this lifestyle change requires an intentional commitment to reshaping your thoughts and behaviors. The following tips will give you an idea of how to reframe your resolutions to live a life of positivity.   

Set SMART Goals

When reframing your approach to New Year’s resolutions, consider utilizing the SMART method for setting effective goals. SMART goals are:


A goal must be specific for it to be effective. Dig into the details of your resolution. What are you trying to accomplish with this goal? What will it look like when the goal is completed? Which steps are taking to fulfill this resolution? The more specific you are, the better chance you have at success. 

For example, if your goal is to feel less stressed, making an intentional effort to try one new mindfulness-based practice to your weekly routine. You have a clear goal each week; therefore, tracking for success is easier. 


Being specific is a great place to start and let’s add in a practice that is also measurable to add strength to your resolution.. 

Let’s continue with the resolution of feeling less stressed. You have already committed to trying one new mindfulness-based practice to your weekly routine. However, let’s make this measurable to include twice per week for 30 minutes each day. Therefore, you have committed to trying one new mindfulness-based practice twice per week for 30 minutes each day. You can measure your progress after your first month to indicate how you are coping with your current resolution plan. 


Remember to set goals that are achievable. Most often, many people begin the new year by outlining resolutions that are derailed within the first 2 weeks of beginning to incorporate daily because they are unachievable and out of their normal routine. 

With the resolution of feeling less stressed, let’s begin by adding a mindfulness-based practice twice per week for 30 minutes each day. We can continue to reevaluate if we need to add or subtract a day or time depending on progress. Notice that we did not begin by incorporating mindfulness seven days/week—this may have been seen as an unachievable expectation as we continued to move forward with this in our daily routine. 


Reframe your approach to resolutions that include setting relevant resolutions. 

Resolutions are strongest and most beneficial when we can focus on overall wellbeing transformations. For example, if you do not believe you have an issue with feeling stressed, then there’s no reason to set a goal to reduce stress. However, if stress is a challenge in your life, reducing stress may be important. 


Make sure you set a time limit on your goal. How long do you want to give yourself to achieve it? A week? A month? A year? A time-based goal pushes you to keep moving forward and progressing.

Allow Room for Mistakes

Another crucial aspect of reframing your approach to resolutions is allowing yourself to make mistakes. No one is perfect and we all stumble along the way when trying new things. It’s important to remember that the way in which we respond to challenges helps us grow and develop as individuals. 

For those of you who are struggling with an Eating Disorder and would like to reframe your resolution to incorporate lifelong freedom, Magnolia Creek is here and ready to help. Our dedicated team of experts understands the challenges associated with overcoming resolutions to the new year and can assist you in walking into the lifelong gift of freedom from Eating Disorders. Contact us today to learn more about our Magnolia Creek Difference.

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