Purging Disorder Symptoms

a woman thinks about her purging disorder symptoms

Eating disorders have various symptoms. While much attention has been paid to anorexia nervosa and bulimia, some other disorders are less well known. Would you recognize purging disorder symptoms? If you’re worried about someone close to you or even your own complicated relationship with food, learn more about this disorder. Treatment is available once you acknowledge the problem.

Purging Disorder Symptoms to Look Out For

Purging disorder can involve various forms of purging. These include vomiting, laxative abuse, excessive exercise, diuretic abuse, and the use of enemas. What makes this disorder different from bulimia nervosa is that with bulimia, people eat large amounts of food before purging. If they’re showing purging disorder symptoms, they don’t necessarily eat huge meals beforehand.

What are some symptoms that could indicate purging disorder? They include:

  • Rushing to the bathroom immediately after meals
  • Complaints of frequent diarrhea
  • Exercising for extended hours of time
  • Scarring on hands due to self-induced vomiting

People suffering from this disorder may exhibit signs common to other eating disorders, such as avoiding eating with others and continually harping on their weight. They might also complain about feeling uncomfortably full, even after a small meal. Someone exhibiting these signs may need treatment for purging disorder.

Is a Loved One Showing Purging Disorder Signs?

A person dealing with purging disorder may be at an average weight unlike someone with anorexia. Therefore, it may be more challenging to realize she has a problem. It might be hard seeing purging disorder signs because she’s probably very secretive about her eating habits.

However, if you suspect an eating disorder, encourage her to get treatment. You may only notice one or two purging disorder symptoms, but if she’s close to you, you likely know when something is wrong. With the right treatment, she can overcome an eating disorder and get back to feeling happy and healthy.

If you’re the one with an eating disorder, know that you don’t have to look at food as an enemy. It’s the fuel that can make you stronger, both physically and mentally.

Without treatment, your health or that of a loved one can take a downward turn. Regular purging can lead to dental decay, electrolyte imbalances, and swollen salivary glands. It can also lead to increased depression and anxiety.

Discover New Possibilities

Magnolia Creek is a state-licensed eating disorder and mental health treatment center. Located in Columbiana, Alabama, we provide treatment for purging disorder. We understand the challenges and issues that women dealing with long-time eating problems face.

Our services include:

Do you or a loved one need eating disorder treatment in a safe, collaborative setting? Become the strong, healthy, and empowered woman you’ve always wanted to be by reaching out for help. Call today at 205-235-6989 to learn more.

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