Healthy You: Taking Care of You on the 4th of July

women holding sparklers on 4th of July

Celebrating the Fourth of July brings time with friends and family, enjoying the sunshine and fireworks, and picnics and barbecues. Being among all the excitement can sometimes make us less attentive to our needs, and we may find ourselves needing to be re-energized.

According to the National Eating Disorders Association, there are some tips that can help you navigate your Fourth of July with ease:

  • Make plans that work for you. For many, the holiday is time spent with crowds and enjoying fireworks, an opportunity to catch up with family and friends. Some people may feel intimated by large crowds and would rather enjoy the festivities closer to home with a smaller group. Enjoy your holiday in your person guidelines, and don’t overexert yourself in a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable.
  • Have your coping strategies at the ready. Celebrating any holiday can sometimes be stressful, and it is important to rely on what makes you comfortable. Stepping away from the festivities to enjoy some quiet time with a book or surrounding yourself with a friend or loved one that makes you feel comfortable can help alleviate your anxiety. Don’t be afraid to retreat and spend time alone if you need. Remembering to self-care is a vital component of recovery.
  • Wear what makes you confident. When heading out to celebrate, wear what is comfortable and an expression of you. Don’t feel pressured to be anything but yourself.
  • Take healthy control. If you decide to attend a gathering, plan ahead. Eating balanced meals through the day, and avoiding alcohol can help keep your energy and emotions up while celebrating. Having a plan can also help you avoid skipping meals, and overeating, both of which can cause stress and anxiety.
  • Walk away from negative influences. While enjoying gatherings, we sometimes feel obligated to mingle with those who lack sensitivity or are unaware of challenges. If topics arise that trigger anxiety or discomfort, walk away. Make your wellbeing your top priority.
  • Feel free to indulge! With holidays, we often have a chance to do things we don’t normally do. It is okay to do things a bit differently than you normally do. Make the most of your holiday, but make sure you are comfortable.

Take a breath, focus on enjoying your holiday, and most importantly, take care of you. Listen to what your personal needs are and how you can best enjoy the time celebrating.

If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms of an eating disorder, Magnolia Creek can offer support services. For more information or to answer questions, please contact our admissions team at 205-235-6989.

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