Eating Disorders and the Magnolia Creek Difference

Girl at Magnolia Creek

Statistics show that about 30 million people suffer from eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder. Despite staggering numbers, many of those suffering do not seek treatment due to embarrassment, denial, or confusion surrounding their symptoms. Education and awareness are key in helping break through the stigma and providing the proper information.

During February, the Eating Disorders Information Network (EDIN) sponsors Love My Body month, which encourages individuals to love their bodies, and it promotes numerous community events for education, networking opportunities, and support groups for those in recovery or family members of someone struggling. February is also the time in which we raise awareness about eating disorders during National Eating Disorders Awareness Week spearheaded by the National Eating Disorders Association.

As we begin to focus on raising the awareness of eating disorders, it is important to know that help is available if you think you have an eating disorder. Seeking treatment for an eating disorder can be one of the most challenging steps to take. You may fear that nobody understands, but Magnolia Creek does.

What Makes Magnolia Creek Different?

Magnolia Creek is the place where you can come and be all of who you are without judgement. We offer a multi-disciplinary team to renew your hope, restore your health, and recover your life.

Renew Hope

Our professional clinicians partner with clients and encourage them to be an active participant in their treatment. We instill a sense of hope and empowerment as clients learn recovery is possible through:

  • A safe, therapeutic environment designed to support each client as they explore the contributing factors related to their eating disorder. Clients work to challenge the negative thoughts and behaviors that prevent them from living fully and freely.
  • Focused and individual care with regular one-on-one sessions with the entire treatment team, which includes the primary and family therapists, dietitians, and medical staff. We work with our clients to develop a customized treatment plan that identifies treatment goals and provides the support needed to achieve and maintain the desired change.
  • A supportive atmosphere for interaction with a community of peers and licensed therapists in daily therapeutic processes such as groups, meal times, and experiential outings.

Restore Health

Our strength-based and collaborative program looks beyond the symptoms and behaviors of an eating disorder to honor the strength within. We emphasize acceptance, validation, and empowerment at every stage of treatment. Magnolia Creek uses an evidence-based treatment model that integrates experiential therapy and activities such as art, psychodrama, ropes, movement, and recreational outings to build confidence, challenge distorted thinking, and help clients develop effective coping skills through experience and metaphor.

In addition to group and individual therapy, each client meets weekly with a dietitian

to examine personal dietary needs, discuss food preferences, and develop an individualized meal plan. Clients also engage in physical activity to learn a healthy and balanced relationship with exercise. We work with clients to design movement plans that promote overall wellness while accommodating medical conditions and physical needs.

Recover Life

Our treatment model is designed to promote healing and growth while preparing our clients

to transition back to life outside of treatment. We understand that the most difficult time can be when a client leaves treatment.  An essential element to a successful recovery is the continuity between treatment and home, and we strive to facilitate a smooth transition through:

  • Planning During Treatment: Developing an aftercare plan begins early in the treatment process to ensure clients have the needed resources and support following discharge. We work with each client to assemble and locate a treatment team of doctors, therapists, dietitians, and other support professionals they may need once they return home.
  • Support After Treatment: For 18 months following discharge, our staff regularly checks in with each client to provide encouragement and connect clients with any resources that may further support them at every stage of their recovery journey.

Magnolia Creek believes that healing and recovery are possible, and we want to ensure that no one ever feels they are alone in their eating disorder recovery. As we approach the occasion to further educate our community about eating disorders, now is the time to take the step to live life freely.


“I knew I was in a safe place where I could let my guard down and cry. It was comforting to know that everyone was not looking at me in a certain way because of what I did. I realized they understood what I was dealing with.” – Former Magnolia Creek Client