Does Anorexia Cause Hair Loss?

Woman looks in the mirror with a hairbrush surprised by her hair loss.

Eating disorders like anorexia can have effects on your body that you may never have expected. People suffering from anorexia usually chase an idealized and unattainable body image, with a long list of health risks being well-documented. However, one potential side effect that some may not know about has led people to ask — does anorexia cause hair loss?

Why Do People with Anorexia Suffer Hair Loss?

A wide range of factors impacts healthy hair growth.. Many things go into having a full head of hair, from genetics, lifestyle, hair products, and even diet. For example, people suffering from anorexia have severely restricted their diet and which severely reduces the nutrients they receive. As a result, this often means they aren’t getting the necessary nutrients to fuel their bodies — including hair growth.

Without the necessary nutrients systems start cutting back on the different functions of the body that aren’t essential to survival. Usually, one of the first areas that experience this cutback is the hair follicles. As they stop receiving vital nutrients, the existing hair becomes weak and brittle, ultimately falling out over time.

How Can You Tell Someone Suffers from Anorexia-Induced Hair Loss?

From the outside looking in, determining the cause of someone else’s hair loss can prove challenging. Hair loss can stem from so many factors that automatically assuming it’s associated with anorexia can prove too circumstantial. However, when the receding hairline or thinning hair is paired with a loss of vitality, thinning eyelashes, extreme weight loss, and more secretive behavior, the person may suffer from anorexia.

Potential Side Effects of Anorexia-Induced Hair Loss

When someone suffers from anorexia, the condition dramatically affects their overall body image. This is because they’re trying to achieve an unrealistic goal and stylized body type that has been popularized by society and pop culture to be the perceived ideal. While their restrictive diet aims to achieve those dreams, the associated hair loss could cause unintentional side effects like

Hormone Imbalances

One of the possible reasons behind hair loss could be the hormone imbalances that occur when you’re practicing a highly restrictive diet. With the lack of vital nutrients, people suffering from anorexia can see increased body hair growth. This hair growth is known as lanugo, it is commonly seen in newborns and rarely occurs in adults — except in some cases of people with anorexia. This hair type grows when the body tries to conserve heat, a common symptom of severe anorexia.

Find an Anorexia Treatment Center in Columbiana, AL

Fortunately, people suffering from anorexia-induced hair loss have options for recovery help. Magnolia Creek Treatment Center for Eating Disorders has provided countless patients with personalized eating disorder treatment programs in Columbiana, AL, specially tailored to their unique needs. Our expertly trained staff have worked with these patients to better understand their condition, how it’s affecting their mental and physical health, and figure out a program that works for their needs.

If you or someone you love suffers from anorexia, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Call 866-319-5117 to learn more about our treatment programs and admissions process today.






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